Tag: Review

  • Flashbacks Of A Fool

    This review contains spoilers. Daniel Craig was peak Bond in 2008. Still warm on the success of Casino Royale (which is a fucking banger of a film) he did the slightly shit Quantum of Solace, and around the same time, this got released. I’ve only just seen it, having wanted to watch it for a…

  • The CSC TT250: Smiles per Gallon

    The CSC TT250: Smiles per Gallon

    The CSC TT250 review. The background to my decision to get a TT250 is here. I’d put on around one-thousand miles on the CSC TT250 as the first green spots started to emerge on the the Pennsylvania woodlands. The bike held up well over Winter, and between the endless rain and salt, winter is a…

  • Cheating on my girl with a pair of Italian supermodels

    In this part of the world, test riding bikes isn’t easy. The bar to a ‘M’ endorsement is low, and there are no restrictions. A novice rider can get their learner’s permit and hop on a 180hp, 1000cc bike the same day. Yes, they’ll probably hurt themselves. There’s a good example of this from Laurie…