Tumbling Less Than Gracefully Into Middle Age

  • Fear.

    Motorcycle accident, Balham. By Drew Leavy. License You have to learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make them all yourself. (Unattributed) When you think of riding, the elephant in the room – or if you prefer, the SUV at the intersection – is the prospect of getting killed, or…

  • Where Do You Want To Go?

    After spending amounts of time researching bikes that neared the definition obsession (a recurring theme…), I stepped back to think about what I was doing. I was forty-one in 2015; why did I feel the need to get a motorbike? Was this an early midlife crisis? Me IRL Possibly. The fact I was in my…

  • An Informed Choice. Maybe.

    If was to get into motorcycles, I thought I wanted something small and light, without a huge amount of power. Something – conventional wisdom says – I would not hurt myself with. I wasn’t twenty-one anymore and didn’t want some crotch-rocket to set my remaining few hairs on fire. No, That desire would actually –…

  • Beginnings

    April 2015, around 0800hrs. It’s a sunny spring morning, and I’m driving to work in my wife’s ten-year old Corolla. The ubiquitous Toyota is the only vehicle we own. Having just moved out to the suburbs, the intent was to eventually get a second car. A few blocks from work, a motorbike merges ahead of my…