Category: safety

  • Be Paranoid

    Be Paranoid

    If you think they’re out to kill you, it’s because they behave as if they are. The tunnel monster is real Riding to work this morning on my dual sport, I negotiated this blind corner and came upon a stationary utility truck (the type with the dorsally-mounted crane) head-on smack in the middle of the…

  • A Close Call

    There’s a lesson in everything. This could have gone very badly, luckily nobody was hurt and nothing was damaged. What could I have done differently? Fumbling the horn didn’t help. I cancelled the shit out of that turn signal, though… The police vehicle was being erratic long before the incident. I could have hung much…

  • Fear.

    Motorcycle accident, Balham. By Drew Leavy. License You have to learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make them all yourself. (Unattributed) When you think of riding, the elephant in the room – or if you prefer, the SUV at the intersection – is the prospect of getting killed, or…